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Key Dates 2021 Recruitment

ST1 & ST3 Application Timeline

  1. Applications open: 5 November 2020

  2. Application closing date: 1 December 2020


Specialty Recruitment Assessment ​

  1. Interviews: 12 March 2021

  2. The College has produced additional information for trainees applying for National Recruitment by region to assist in deciding on your preference – please click here to see the list of regions.


Additional Information:

For 2021 the selection process will be made up of three components:

  • Multi-specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)

  • Evidence Folder

  • On-line assessment


Evidence Folder

All candidates will be asked to provide a portfolio of evidence similar to the paper version that would have been brought to the face to face selection centre and a list of contents has been published to assist candidates when putting the documentation together.  All candidates will be asked to upload the documentation to a specifically designed on-line portal and will have from 18th of January until the 29th of January 2021 to upload the documents.   


The evidence folders for those candidates that are progressing through the process will be reviewed and scored against a pre-defined criteria by a panel of ophthalmologists.


On-line assessment

The candidates that are progressing through the process following the MRSA will be invited to undertake an on-line assessment (interview).  The assessment will be undertaken using Microsoft Teams.


The assessment will be in the form of a patient consultation and will involve conversing with an actor. 

The process for each candidate including the initial identity checks, assessment and the debrief will take approximately 30 minutes. 


Candidates will be asked to book a slot through Oriel.  The slots are booked on a first come first served basis.

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